Sunday, July 13, 2014

#OMGRUBY forms partnership w/ National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences and moooore...

I am not going to lie... for the past few months, since the last time I posted, I took a slight detour to close up some loose ends and really dig deep far and wide for new material, opportunities and partnerships.  I also took some time to help and mentor others pursuing similar endeavors.  This was a scary process for me.  My single "Runway" had a great momentum going and to have to step away from that was extremely difficult.

Change is NEVER easy, but I understood in order to grow what I had worked so hard on, I had to end previous partnerships that were toxic to my creativity both in my professional and personal life, which takes time and is easier said than done.  Especially when people cling to you, don't know how to let go or make the process of moving on harder.  I would compare this to what I imagine a married couple goes through during divorce when one partner has moved on, but the other refuses to separate.  DRAINING to say the least and quite imprisoning, but now I AM FREE!

All in all, God has been good and faithful to me, while providing little reminders here and there which prevented me from going too far off track.  Two weeks ago, I received my very first accolade!!!!  I have read about celebrities commenting and saying they do not do music for recognition, but SH*T, HONESTLY?  It feels so good to work hard at something you love and see fruits from your labor.  I don't know what THEY talking about, lol.  Take a LOOK below:

So, all that hard work I did with the choir last year for J. Cole and Kanye West? Well, #YEEZUS received a nomination and though he did not win, we still got this really cool Grammy Certificate as contributors to the album.  This opportunity also opened doors to become a member of the National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences as I worked closely with their membership director.  A good friend of mine and well known producer/engineer Devine, put us in touch when he saw the damage done by FedEx during delivery.  He suggested I speak with someone and get it reprinted and drafted up the email trend to take care of this ASAP.  As we speak, my new certificate is on its way and doors are opening to a network I have always wanted access to.  GOD IS GOOD!

MY EP #ASCENSION is almost done.  Since I will be releasing this independently, my team and I have been considering doing some crowd funding for the project.  There is just ONE problem with that.  I hate asking people for stuff! Lol.  Smh.  As I am very close to the finish line, I can imagine how some of you might be frustrated with me because I went on a hiatus, but I really just needed some time to purge and let go of things that were not fitting.  In the meantime, while I am finalizing bits and pieces here and there, pray for me please!  Also, check out this new acoustic cover of Cyndi Lauper's "Time After Time" by clicking on the image below from my heart to yours.


I have some photo shoots and other events coming up real soon that I would love to share with you.  In the meantime, take a second to answer below and let me know if I started a kickstarter page or something similar to that effect, would you truly be a #GEM and support or nah?  Please leave your comments and feedback below.

Yours truly,

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